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Where Does Curiosity Go (And Can We Get It Back?)

Young children ask a seemingly endless stream of why, why, why? They burst through their days curious about their world.  Where does curiosity go…and can we get it back? Do schools inadvertently suppress the inner wonder of our kids?

Curiosity engineer, author, and educator Gerald Aungst just posted a short piece that includes the 5 factors of curiosity. These ideas are SO doable within our lessons. Give that a read here:  https://myedexpert.com/beyond-engagement%e2%80%a8-becoming-a-curiosity-engineer/

For your audio curiosity, here’s a podcast here with Gerald on keeping kids curious:
Podcast:  https://myedexpert.com/category/podcasts/  His resources on our site: https://myedexpert.com/vendor/gaungst/

One of the 5 factors that boost curiosity: posing rich questions AND getting students to ask more intriguing questions.  Some wonderful help in that arena:  Laurel Schmidt’s “Don’t Take No (or Yes) For an Answer:  The Art of Inquiry” https://myedexpert.com/item/dont-take-no-or-yes-for-an-answer-the-art-of-inquiry/

AND questioning expert Erik Francis has two graphic organizers for you – one on Bloom’s Taxonomy and another on DOK.  https://myedexpert.com/vendor/MaverikEducation/

Other techniques that inspire curiosity:  utilizing makerspace, novelty, and mystery.  Enter Angela Stockman.  Her entire space on our site encapsulates curiosity.  In particular, check out her Maker Moves and Idea Generators.  https://myedexpert.com/vendor/angelastockman/

Gerald’s work on curiosity in so in line with Jerry Burkhart‘s wonder in math approach.  His site has openers that are visuals with no answer keys – students make open-ended observations and questions from there.  Link to his site and fab stuff here: https://myedexpert.com/vendor/jburkhart/

On an entirely different note:  Math professor Steven Warner is an expert on math test prep.  If you are a high school math teacher, his SAT/AP resources are good to know about/share with parents.

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