This guide provides Socratic Seminar discussion questions and a brief synopsis for every chapter of Crow by Barbara Wright. This historical fiction novel describes the only successful coup d’etat in US history through the eyes of a 12-year-old boy living in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898. There, a mob of white supremacists plotted against the duly-elected Board of Aldermen, a city council composed of whites and African Americans. After a campaign of voter suppression, on the night of November 10, the Red Shirts violently rampaged through the city, killing and banishing elected officials and other successful black men. Scores were killed and this incident set the stage for the discriminatory “Jim Crow” laws that ruled America for decades to follow.
Item description
This guide provides Socratic Seminar discussion questions and a brief synopsis for every chapter of Crow by Barbara Wright. This historical fiction novel describes the only successful coup d’etat in US history through the eyes of a 12-year-old boy living in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898. There, a mob of white supremacists plotted against the duly-elected Board of Aldermen, a city council composed of whites and African Americans. After a campaign of voter suppression, on the night of November 10, the Red Shirts violently rampaged through the city, killing and banishing elected officials and other successful black men. Scores were killed and this incident set the stage for the discriminatory “Jim Crow” laws that ruled America for decades to follow.
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