“Everything You Wanted to Know about English Language Learners…But Were Afraid to Ask” is our podcast this week. Imagine trying to learn science or math in a language other than your own. Pretty daunting, right? English Language Learner expert Beth Skelton provides illuminating insight, including the stages of language acquisition, the role of the ELL teacher, and valuable guidance on flexible grouping situations. Beth has shared a resource on the stages of language acquisition: https://myedexpert.com/vendor/BethSkelton/
Podcast with Beth: https://myedexpert.com/category/podcasts/
A HUGE thanks to gifted education author Todd Stanley for making his “Trading Game” a free download! Complete with cards and a debriefing activity, who knew learning supply & demand could be this much fun? https://myedexpert.com/vendor/twosox21/
A big shout out to Jerry Burkhart on some of his amazing math blogs. This one continues to get big time reads “How Open-Ended Math Problems Keep on Giving.” He’s a math treasure and his stellar math resources on our site get learners to reach higher. His website is a great math resource as well – link on his bio page. https://myedexpert.com/vendor/jburkhart/ Link to this fabulous blog post that’s had over 9,000 reads! https://www.middleweb.com/35704/how-open-ended-math-problems-keep-on-giving/
Literacy author Dr. Katie McKnight’s podcast on station teaching has been super popular. Her take on rethinking novel units has prompted some buzz. Oh, tons of free downloads in her space. Just click. https://myedexpert.com/vendor/KatieMcKnight/ Podcast is here: https://myedexpert.com/category/podcasts/
Congrats to Rick Jetter for having an article in Principal magazine. Rick & Rebecca Coda have posted “100 Ideas for Activating Student Voice” (Free!) and some other great leadership resources on MyEdExpert! https://myedexpert.com/vendor/rjetter/
Need a chuckle? Check out Suzy Pepper Rollins’ “5 Instructional Habits to Kick to the Curb.” Short podcast with power point meant to spark conversation…which habits will you add? Power Point link: https://myedexpert.com/vendor/suzypepp/Podcast: https://myedexpert.com/category/podcasts/
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