Our contributors certainly are original thinkers. Their ideas combined with their passion for education is something to marvel…and the reason behind this project. Sharing innovative resources with the larger ed community is what we are all about.
Here are a few fabulously creative ideas to check out,, but visit ALL of our authors’ portfolios! We update daily on Twitter @myedexpert.
Borrow $5 if you must, but if you teach/coach writing, you will LOVE Angela Stockman’s “Maker Moves in the Writing Workshop.” Fantastic, creative writing games! Recommendation: Download every item in Angela’s portfolio! https://myedexpert.com/vendor/angelastockman/
Author/leadership Dr. Rick Jeter just posted a truly original, engaging way to talk about leadership styles with his “Leadership Profiles from the Sea.” Who are the stingrays? The squids? Ever work for a dolphin? (free download) https://myedexpert.com/vendor/rjetter/
A big WOW for author/gifted expert Todd Stanley’s “39 Clues Puzzle Book.” This is sure to become one of your favorite things. Students work in teams to solve a series of 39 clues that assemble into a phrase. Yes, it’s $10. Ask your mom. Or steal. (kidding!) https://myedexpert.com/vendor/twosox21/
File this under, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Author Laurel Schmidt’s “The World is Not Flat” makes topography hands-on, using a table cloth and everyday items. (Free download) https://myedexpert.com/vendor/thanelaurel/
Lots of folks are loving…and who wouldn’t…Gerald Aungst‘s “Creating Cool and Curious Characters.” It’s wonderful! He just posted his full version – check it out! https://myedexpert.com/vendor/gaungst/
If you’re looking for “Not Your Normal Math Problems,” Jerry Burkhart is your guy. His focus is on challenging math for adventurous learners, https://myedexpert.com/vendor/jburkhart/
Interesting New Reads from Our Authors:
“How to Spot a Gifted Child.” This article by Todd Stanley goes beyond tests into the somewhat quirky nature of gifted children and talks about the difference between bright and gifted kids. http://www.edcircuit.com/spot-gifted-child-education/
Beth Skelton, ESL author and MyEdExpert contributor, proposes scenarios to transform ESL teachers into leaders in this thoughtful piece: http://www.edcircuit.com/seven-scenarios-transform-esl-teachers-leaders/
Dr. Dianne DeMille & Jennifer Munoz pose the practice of utilizing sound ELA strategies in the math classroom in their quite pragmatic article. Dr. Demille has a math portfolio on our site! http://www.edcircuit.com/strategy-english-language-arts-works-for-mathematics/
Dr. Steve Warner is a math professor who specializes in test prep. He has an extensive test prep portfolio on MyEdExpert. His article provides such useful tips on tutoring math. http://www.edcircuit.com/effective-test-prep-tutor/
We update daily on Twitter @myedexpert