Passionate educators love sharing innovative ideas and resources. It’s what we do. New books, new strategies, new resources. It’s a mixture of “Wow – I tried this and it worked.” and “Why didn’t I think of that?
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Digital gaming expert/professor/author Ryan Schaaf just posted a fascinating look at how the “always on” generation learns. Do they actually learn differently? These 9 characteristics are thought-provoking conversation-starters for faculties. An open, short download that’s a quick, must read…because apparently the digital generation is not keen on long passages.:)
Speaking of games, assessment expert/author Laura Greenstein has graciously shared two open downloads of “Assessment Fun and Games.” That’s right – Laura demonstrates how assessments can actually be fun for students! An author of 4 books, she is a believer in student improvement over test scores. Check those out!
MLK Day events and ,many other service learning experiences are included in authors Susan Ragsdale and Ann Saylor’s ebook entitled “Seasons of Service: Engaging Youth in Service Learning Throughout the Year.” Open download – dynamic curriculum laid out by this talented duo.
Imminently fabulous writing expert/author Angela Stockman just posted “Firestarters.” These challenge writers’ thinking and get them highly engaged. The link is to ALL of her materials, which are beyond wonderful! Go, now – don’t even hesitate! Thanks, Angela, for these OPEN downloads!
Middle/high social studies: Sheila White has now posted four glorious historiographies for you. From creating thesis statements to forming historical opinions, these are treasures…and open downloads!