Item description

This is an  experiential asset-based service-learning curriculum.  It is comprehensive and flexible, divided into these five core sections.

  1. Change Your World: A 12-session curriculum that engages youth in service-learning and intentionally builds their leadership skills to solve social problems. It’s an experiential look at discovering individual strengths, exploring community needs and planning community projects to help youth change their world.
    2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: A Day On, Not A Day Off: Outlines three half-day experiences for an MLK Day event that activates youth in one of three levels to explore service, equity, leadership and justice through advocacy.
    3. Service Sampler: Finding Your Place to Serve: Eleven 3-4 hour service-learning experiences that offer a broad exploration of community issues (ranging from animal care to promoting peace) and prompt youth to find an issue that engages their passion.
    4. About Service-Learning and Assets covers all the basics on the topics and includes tools and ideas for reflection, celebration and demonstration.
    5. Looking Deeper: My Service Journey: This reflection journal becomes the participants’ personal record of their journey, deepening their learning and helping them see how the practical ways in which they are making the world around them a better place.

Email to talk about bringing an SOS training to your school or agency.

Grade levels 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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