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The Power of the Opening Minutes

The opening minutes hold tremendous power for learning. Student motivation, reading comprehension, intellectual curiosity, and the value of a task all hinge on starting with something powerful! Unfortunately, these moments may have been “hijacked” along the way and turned into a “Do Now” classroom management moment. Do this now while I take attendance, fill out some forms, rotate my tires, etc. No More! That’s the subject of our short podcast this week! Podcast on opening minutes: https://myedexpert.com/category/podcasts/

To support educators in some of that heavy lifting, some of our authors have graciously contributed free downloads for strong opening minutes:

Kristina Smekens:  Free bundle of bell-ringers for ELA! https://myedexpert.com/vendor/kristina-smekens/

Angela Stockman:  Free Firestarters for writing! https://myedexpert.com/vendor/angelastockman/

Laurel Schmidt:  It say’s “Banish Writer’s Block” but this is a cool technique for other subjects – Students draw their heads for a brain dump & then sequence ideas.

Suzy Pepper Rollins:  Alpha brainstorming is for all subjects! From A -Z, everything you know about fractions, taxes, Africa, prices, etchttps://myedexpert.com/vendor/suzypepp/

Secondary Math:  Podcast #11 features math supervisor/author Denis Sheeran talking about relevance – cool ideas on using the show “Chopped” and other ideas in math. https://myedexpert.com/ep-11-whats-this-got-to-do-with-me-good-question/

Don’t miss this! “10 Myths of Gifted Students” by author Todd Stanley. Share with faculty members…and parents.  https://myedexpert.com/myths-of-gifted-children/

Thanks for supporting best practices in teaching and leading!

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Ep 26 – The Power of the Opening Minutes

The Power of the Opening Minutes With Suzy Pepper Rollins The opening minutes hold tremendous power for learning.  Student motivation,…

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