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Ep 41 – Got Stress? The Zen Teacher is On Call…

Got Stress? The Zen Teacher is On Call…
A Conversation with Dan Tricarico

A teacher for over 25 years, Dan Tricarico loves his work, even views his classroom as a sanctuary of sorts.  Teachers like Dan are passionate people.  He, like most of us, chose this career to positively impact the world.  Think about it.  All the students in our classrooms have their own “stories” as Dan calls them.  They’ve got their stuff to deal with – family drama, pressure from grades, hurt feelings from a friend. We have our stuff – the car needs tires, stacks of papers to mark. Now, pile on innumerable tests, pacing guides, meetings, and even school safety. Dan’s two books and his professional development arose from his own experiences with work-related stress.  This inspiring educator provides us with pragmatic strategies that help us stay relaxed, focused, and in the moment with our kids.  Because teachers need to take care of themselves in order to take care of students.  To keep the passion alive, a little self-care if needed…and Dan’s the perfect person to help us take a little weight off our shoulders.  

Yippee!  Dan has just posted “Zen Teacher Activity Worksheets.” Self-Care is a Click Away: https://myedexpert.com/vendor/dtricarico/

• Dan’s Website / Blog / Books:  https://www.thezenteacher.com/
• Follow Dan on Twitter


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