Jan 29, 2021 26

Jun 9, 2020 65

May 14, 2020 10

May 3, 2020 110


This sample Primary Fiction ‘Learning Log’, Action Ahoy,resource for Grades 1 & 2 classes was developed for a school with… more

This sample integrated Math and Science ‘Learning Log’ resource for kindergarten classes was developed for a school with an environmental… more


This PowerPoint highlights my experience in a Washington, DC charter school. These slides share details from the book, A Charter… more

The IDEAL Writing Process emerged from work over two decades that began with the goal, at first, of helping boys… more

This PowerPoint features details about the ENGAGE Inquiry Method where students and teacher engage in specific research actions: EXPLORE, NARROW,… more

Having students set goals in the ELA classroom (or any other classroom, for that matter) should not be an annual… more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

“Placematting” is one really effective structure for collaborative work.  What do we all hate about group work? Yep, that one… more

This Learning With Digital Games Guide originated from a blog series published by Amplify with the purpose of using the… more

The digital landscape has radically changed how and what students want to learn, but have schools radically changed to meet… more


Jan 29, 2021 26

Jun 9, 2020 65

May 14, 2020 10

May 3, 2020 110


This Learning With Digital Games Guide originated from a blog series published by Amplify with the purpose of using the… more

The digital landscape has radically changed how and what students want to learn, but have schools radically changed to meet… more

The internet can be a treasure trove of free educational resources. But, it can sometimes be hard to find just… more

One of the simplest but most effective STEM challenges. Students must design, create, and test a structure of their own… more


A compilation of 12 board games that can be played by students that teach valuable skills. Vocabulary skills from the… more

The STEM design process involves asking, imagining, planning, creating, and revising. This cycle fits nicely into the model of project-based… more


Assessment is more than a test. With more student-focused and embedded assessment comes empowerment and accountability. When the assessment is… more

Born out of the Let Them Speak! Project, these reflective prompts for teachers and school leaders act as great discussion… more

This is a lesson for younger students although it could be adapted to older ones, about how we interpret works… more


This Learning With Digital Games Guide originated from a blog series published by Amplify with the purpose of using the… more

The digital landscape has radically changed how and what students want to learn, but have schools radically changed to meet… more

The internet can be a treasure trove of free educational resources. But, it can sometimes be hard to find just… more

One of the simplest but most effective STEM challenges. Students must design, create, and test a structure of their own… more


A compilation of 12 board games that can be played by students that teach valuable skills. Vocabulary skills from the… more

The STEM design process involves asking, imagining, planning, creating, and revising. This cycle fits nicely into the model of project-based… more


Assessment is more than a test. With more student-focused and embedded assessment comes empowerment and accountability. When the assessment is… more

Born out of the Let Them Speak! Project, these reflective prompts for teachers and school leaders act as great discussion… more

This is a lesson for younger students although it could be adapted to older ones, about how we interpret works… more
