Jan 29, 2021 26

Jun 9, 2020 65

May 14, 2020 10

May 3, 2020 110


Citizens in a community have many roles to play. They work here, vote here, and should take care of the… more

Shares in the Canadian maker of BlackBerry smartphones peaked in August of 2007, at two hundred and thirty-six dollars. Seven… more

Many gifted students do not perform at the level they are capable. Why is this? What can be done to… more


Need a beginning of the year activity to get kids excited about school and being in your class. Try this… more

This one page growth mindset resource is a great one to use when working with parents. Can be used as… more

Whenever you use active and project-based learning approaches, assessment becomes more challenging. When you intentionally focus on skills such as… more


This tool guides grade level and content area teams to plan for language development in content lessons by considering which… more


Pictures galore of standards wall in action.  This approach: enhances retention of content, creates connections to learning, and provides a… more

If you find yourself in need of a change in the classroom or struggling with managing a particular class, keeping… more

This workbook contains many practical, actionable steps that educators can use to reduce their stress and improve their self-care. It… more

This sample World History ‘Learning Log’ resource. Pirates and Pioneers, was developed for grades 3,4, 5 &/or 6 classes for… more

This sample ‘Learning Log’ SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) resource, Be Brave, was developed for grades 3,4 &/or 5 classes… more


Jan 29, 2021 26

Jun 9, 2020 65

May 14, 2020 10

May 3, 2020 110


This sample integrated Math and Science ‘Learning Log’ resource for kindergarten classes was developed for a school with an environmental… more


This PowerPoint highlights my experience in a Washington, DC charter school. These slides share details from the book, A Charter… more

The IDEAL Writing Process emerged from work over two decades that began with the goal, at first, of helping boys… more

This PowerPoint features details about the ENGAGE Inquiry Method where students and teacher engage in specific research actions: EXPLORE, NARROW,… more

Having students set goals in the ELA classroom (or any other classroom, for that matter) should not be an annual… more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

“Placematting” is one really effective structure for collaborative work.  What do we all hate about group work? Yep, that one… more

This sample integrated Math and Science ‘Learning Log’ resource for kindergarten classes was developed for a school with an environmental… more


This PowerPoint highlights my experience in a Washington, DC charter school. These slides share details from the book, A Charter… more

The IDEAL Writing Process emerged from work over two decades that began with the goal, at first, of helping boys… more

This PowerPoint features details about the ENGAGE Inquiry Method where students and teacher engage in specific research actions: EXPLORE, NARROW,… more

Having students set goals in the ELA classroom (or any other classroom, for that matter) should not be an annual… more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

The brain is just like a muscle that needs exercised regularly if it is going to develop and get stronger…. more

“Placematting” is one really effective structure for collaborative work.  What do we all hate about group work? Yep, that one… more