Item description

“Placematting” is one really effective structure for collaborative work.  What do we all hate about group work? Yep, that one grade-oriented student will take over…and who can blame me, I mean her.:) With a placemat, each student typically has a different job to do FIRST.  Then, the group shares what they’ve discovered and together, they create a final product for the center.  The center product typically responds to the learning target for today.  

Examples:  We all read about Thomas Edison, but here are the parts: 1) Edison the inventor, 2) Edison as a child, 3) Edison as a business person, and 4) Edison’s views on failure/obstacles.  

Or…we all read a piece of text, but take different character’s perspectives.  

Or…we all take a planet or a part of the Earth’s make-up…or ways to recycle…and then we create a common product in the middle. 

Math:  Place Mats are great for practice.  In this case, students may first do 5 problems by themselves.  Now, the confer and have to arrive at a consensus.  That answer goes in the middle.  OR, each student can take a different way to solve a problem.  In the center:  which strategy works best if you have 30 problems to do?  

Grade levels Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 12th Grade, Higher Ed
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