It’s a long day for learners, and those bulbs get dim as attention wanes. Add current research that suggests that the big chunk of most students’ days is spent sitting and listening – about 75-80%. They may start class with a bright bulb, but soon barely a flicker of engagement remains.
Strategies to get (and keep) every bulb burning bright: hands-on learning, compelling, valuable tasks. Students learn and retain more when they work together in valuable, relevant work.
It’s in that context that these items are considered. Please share with your colleagues…and peruse the site to discover the work of ALL of our authors. Daily updates on Twitter @myedexpert.
Innovative STEM projects are the focus of Ann Kaiser‘s new entry on the site. From the impact of diapers to bike power to nutrition, these PBL tasks were designed for Next Generation Standards. Global & world-changing in scope, every middle/high department needs a copy. ($7)
LOVE Curiosity Engineer Gerald Aungst’s “Creating Cool and Curious Characters – this approach will captivate ELA students! Try his intro first – you’ll be hooked.
The fabulous Angela Stockman has graciously made her “Maker Moves in the Writing Workshop” a free download – educators are rushing to grab this valuable resource! Thanks, Angela. A Must Have!
Active learning author Suzy Pepper Rollins has just made her Branches of Government station rotation an open download. This is the lesson she uses during PD to model station teaching. Card game, sort, error analysis – perfect to get kids moving and talking – middle and high.
Gifted ed author Todd Stanley‘s power point presentation “5 Simple Strategies for Working With Gifted Students” is illuminating for our work with ALL learners. Perfect for PD – loaded with ideas to get all students working at a higher thinking level – a key element of engagement.
Thought-Provoking Short Reads…and New Video Responses
Todd Stanley’s commentary on the death of social studies – and video responses
Gerald Aungst’s beautiful piece on infusing purpose and wonderment into the math classroom:
Gifted math author Jerry Burkhart’s incredibly popular piece: “How Open-Ended Math Problems Keep on Giving”
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