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Encore Presentation – Better Days at School

Better Days at School: Can Mindfulness Help?
A conversation with Daniel Rechtschaffen 

School can be a stressful whirlwind of activity.  For teachers, rushing to get to meetings, worry about test scores, getting lessons ready and grades entered.  And that’s just us…What about students?  Trying to pay attention all day, complete tasks, and follow rules.  What if we all just paused for a few seconds?  Crazy, right?  Mindfulness expert/author/therapist Daniel Rechtschaffen discusses what mindfulness is and how it just might benefit teachers and students.  For students, evidence suggests a decline in office referrals and perhaps an increase in test scores.  This session will get you started on how pushing the pause button for a moment and welcoming students back into the present can bring better days at school.

Daniel’s website:  mindfuleducation.com.

Bio here at MyEdExpert: djrechtschaffen.

His books are from Norton Publishing.


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