The Shop of Vendor Laura Greenstein

Assessment Enthusiast

Advocating for assessment that engages learners and encourages improvement

Laura Greenstein

Laura has been an educator for 30+ years serving as a teacher, department chair, and school leader in multiple grades and subjects. She combines this background with her experience as a school board member to bring fresh and original ideas to educators about the power of assessment to enrich and strengthen teaching and learning. She consults with schools and districts and presents at workshops and conferences locally and nationally. As an adjunct professor at the University of Connecticut and the University of New Haven, she teaches Human Development and Testing, Measurement, and Assessment to undergraduate and graduate students and more recently, Teaching, Learning, and Assessing with Technology in the 6th year Digital Literacy program. She has a B.S. from the University of Connecticut, an M.S. from the State University of New York at Oneonta in education, a 6th year from Sacred Heart University in administration, and an Ed.D. from Johnson and Wales University in Educational Leadership. Her website, is a valuable source of information on issues and topics in assessment. She is also the author of: What Teachers Really Need to Know About Formative Assessment, ASCD Assessing 21st Century Skills: A Guide to Evaluating Mastery and Authentic Learning, Corwin Sticky Assessment: Classroom Strategies to Ampliify Student Learning, Routledge/Taylor and Francis Restorative Assessment: Strength-Based Practices That Support All Learners, Corwin. You can find her blogs in multiple publications, follow her on Twitter @lauragteacher, and email her at

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To say the least, Laura is passionate about assessment. As teacher, department chair, and school leader she emphasizes student improvement over test scores. Students are encouraged to demonstrate learning in purposeful ways and to track their own progress. Graduate students in her Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment class describe her as enthusiastic model of best practice.

She is the author of four books and numerous articles on assessment spanning multiple perspectives including formative, classroom, 21st century, authentic, multicultural, restorative, brain-based, and balanced. Her goal is to make assessment practical and purposeful.

At her website, Assessment Network, she generously offers straightforward information and resources, on proven practices. Her professional development programs bring robust and original ideas to educators about assessing learners. Participants find her ideas original, relevant, and most importantly, feasible.

She lives in a quiet corner of Connecticut and spends as much time as possible with family in San Francisco.

You can connect through her website Assessment Network, on Twitter @lauragteacher, or Facebook