Home » Items » Take a Stand: Coronavirus Travel Restrictions
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Mission: Students will read several news articles about how governors are restricting travel to their states from Coronavirus hot spots. For example, in some states, checkpoints have been set up to question those with New York tags. In another, police are actually going door-to-door to see if New Yorkers are visiting.
After reflecting on the readings, students will complete a RAFT. A RAFT is a writing technique that stands for Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. Students place themselves in the role of a governor or mayor and have to articulate their policy on reducing the spread of Coronavirus from other areas of the country.
Item description
Mission: Students will read several news articles about how governors are restricting travel to their states from Coronavirus hot spots. For example, in some states, checkpoints have been set up to question those with New York tags. In another, police are actually going door-to-door to see if New Yorkers are visiting.
After reflecting on the readings, students will complete a RAFT. A RAFT is a writing technique that stands for Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. Students place themselves in the role of a governor or mayor and have to articulate their policy on reducing the spread of Coronavirus from other areas of the country.
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