The Shop of Vendor savanna-flakes

International Special Education and Inclusion Consultant

Educational Consultant


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Savanna is an education consultant specializing in inclusion, literacy and special education. She is an advocate of Inclusion- providing all students with access to high expectations and rigorous instruction and Innovation- using technology to level the playing field for diverse learners. Her prior instructional leadership roles include Manager of Professional Learning, Master Educator, technology integration specialist and inclusion instructional specialist, coaching administrators and teachers on effective inclusive and instructional practices.  Savanna has received numerous honors and awards for her work on behalf of students with disabilities and in education such as a National Association of Special Education Teachers Outstanding Special Educator Award, a Sontag Prize in Urban Education Award, U.S. Department of Education-White House Outstanding African American Educator, The College Board Minority Professional Fellowship, and the Alexandria City Jaycee Public Service George Webber Award for Excellence in Education. She has presented workshops on instructional strategies for students with disabilities with the Council for Exceptional Children, Learning Disabilities Association of America, and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  Savanna has been featured as a Keynote speaker for the Office State Superintendent of Education for the District of Columbia and a panelist with Dan Habib for the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Maryland, PossAbilities to Practical Applications.Savanna has published instructional resources and books with the Bureau of Education and Research.  Savanna has served as a professor in the American University School of Education and Health, and she presents nationally on topics such as differentiation, co-teaching, universal design for learning, and inclusion. Check out her TEDxTalk on "Inclusion and Fast Food." She authors an “Inclusion Corner” column for LDA Online, in which she shares instructional strategies with teachers, parents, and students.  As an education consultant, Savanna works with school communities to build teacher leaders and effective instructional practices for students with exceptionalities. For more information, visit Inclusion For a Better Future.  Savanna is a Possibilitarian, she believes “Inclusion Matters” and Diversity is a priority in building a great nation. 
