Denis Sheeran is the author of Instant Relevance, Using Today's Experiences to Teach Tomorrow's Lessons published by Dave Burgess Consulting. Instant Relevance focuses on the idea that connecting current and daily student and teacher experiences to your content can make the learning experience relevant, valuable, and permanent. Denis provides numerous examples and frameworks for increasing the relevant connections to your content. You can find his book on Amazon by clicking here.
In addition, Denis is the K-12 Mathematics Supervisor in Chatham, NJ and an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at the County College of Morris. Denis' presentations have been conducted at the national, state, and local levels at conferences, workshops, and in-services on the following topics:
Instant Relevance: Using Today’s Experiences to Teach Tomorrow’s Lessons, Google Apps for Education in the Mathematics Classroom, Smartboards and Smart Notebook, Building Statistical Thinkers in Middle school, Unlocking the power of Chromebooks, The Well Tempered Student: 5 STEAM Lessons for Integrating Math and Music, Unanswerable Questions: The Key to Building Statistical Thinkers, Chromebooks and the Common Core, Moving from Do Now to Think Now, The Mathematics of Voting Methods, Integrating Google Apps and the SAMR Model, Desmos for Elementary Mathematics.
To have Denis present at your conference or consult in your district, contact him at
Follow Denis on Twitter at @MathDenisNJ