Why assessment comes first. Subject Professional Development Grade levels 3rd Grade, 7th Grade, 11th Grade Resource types Assessments formative, Assessments… more
The learning sciences continue to inform us of how students learn and this in turn guides how we teach. When… more
Many misconceptions concerning the definition of dyslexia exist. In order to delve into the social construction and the biological origins… more
This is a short guide with ideas and suggestions for implementing some Engineering Design thinking and practices in your classroom…. more
Grab the poster with 10 things you need to know about using QR codes and augmented reality in the classroom…. more
Grab this free poster with tips for using technology to check for understanding. Subject Professional Development Grade levels Kindergarten, 1st… more
This choice board is organized for Monday through Friday. Students select words from their list and engage in creative, meaningful… more
Online teaching and learning aren’t the only options when schools are closed and children are learning at home. While there… more
Have you ever thought about what others are doing to support our globe during the upcoming defeat of the COVID-19… more
When life gives you lemons, engineer lemonade! When you are using remote learning, your classroom is in the the real… more
Students use today’s headlines and research ways to create a healthier school. In this mini-project, students examine these four areas… more
Cryptograms are coded messages that use numbers (or other objects) in place of letters. You must then determine the cipher… more
Mission: Students will read several news articles about how governors are restricting travel to their states from Coronavirus hot spots. … more
Schoolhouse Rock were catchy songs that appeared during breaks between Saturday morning cartoons during the 1970s and 80s. They were… more
What traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common? This self-paced lesson includes two pieces: a power point & a response… more
This choice board is organized for Monday through Friday. Students select words from their list and engage in creative, meaningful… more
Online teaching and learning aren’t the only options when schools are closed and children are learning at home. While there… more
Have you ever thought about what others are doing to support our globe during the upcoming defeat of the COVID-19… more
When life gives you lemons, engineer lemonade! When you are using remote learning, your classroom is in the the real… more
Students use today’s headlines and research ways to create a healthier school. In this mini-project, students examine these four areas… more
Cryptograms are coded messages that use numbers (or other objects) in place of letters. You must then determine the cipher… more
Mission: Students will read several news articles about how governors are restricting travel to their states from Coronavirus hot spots. … more
Schoolhouse Rock were catchy songs that appeared during breaks between Saturday morning cartoons during the 1970s and 80s. They were… more
What traits do successful entrepreneurs have in common? This self-paced lesson includes two pieces: a power point & a response… more